# Mili # 6202 - Inventory Mess

# Mili # 6202


Hey lovelies! 💖 I've got some jaw-dropping news for all you Second Life fashionistas and virtual trendsetters. Brace yourselves because Unorthodox has just dropped a game-changer – the Unorthodox[high v.] Braiding Chair! Bars and Tonio are giving us an immersive virtual hair experience, and I'm here for every bit of it!

Let me spill the tea on this fabulous chair that's about to level up your virtual beauty game. It's all about working that magic with the Unorthodox Bars Scalpz hairbase and Unorthodox Bars Afro, giving you not one but two fantastic ways to rock the virtual hair scene.

1. Braiding Roleplay Bliss:
For the ultimate braiding roleplay experience, it's as easy as 1-2-3:
•Snag those Unorthodox Scalpz UNITS and flaunt them.
•Get your hands on the Unorthodox Bars hair – trust me, it's a game-changer!
•Crown yourself with the Scalpz Hairbase and rock that Afro vibe.
•Grab your virtual bestie, hop into the chair, and brace yourself.
•Click on the "Braiding" menu and watch the magic unfold as your hair dances in sync with the animations – pure virtual perfection!

2. Photo Op Extravaganza:
But wait, there's more! If you're feeling that photo shoot vibe:
•Snuggle up with a friend in the Braiding Chair.
•Dive into the "Braiding Animations" menu.
•Browse through animations at your own pace, finding that perfect pose for your Instagram-worthy moment.

Want to add that personal touch? No worries – adjusting animations to match your avatar's height is as easy as pie.

Stay Connected, Stay Fabulous!

This Unorthodox[high v.] Braiding Chair is the bomb, and I'm living for the virtual glam it brings! You’ll find it at Cakeday! Thanks a bunch for exploring the virtual universe with me – keep shining, darlings!
# Mili # 6202 - Unleashing the Unorthodox Magic: Dive into Virtual Hair Bliss with the Braiding Chair!
■      HairUnorthodox x High v. Bars Hair @ Cakeday
■      HairbaseUnorthodox Scalpz UNITS v2.0
■      Mesh HeadLeLUTKA Briannon Head 3.1
■      Face appliera.b - Brenda - LeLu Evo X Chocolate @ Access
■      OutfitRIOT / Lisa Outfit
■      ChairUnorthodox[high v.] braiding chair @ Cakeday


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