Basic Info - Inventory Mess

Basic Info

General Info

» Avatar name: Mili Miklos

» Avatar age: 03/09/2008

» Blog name: Inventory Mess/ Mili Miklos Blog

» Blog link: http://inventorymess.blogspot.com.br/

» Feed syndication:
  1. BloggingSL - http://bloggingsl.net/
  2. SLFeed - http://slfeed.net/
  3. News Wing Factory - http://news.wingfactory.org/
  4. Second Social - http://secondsocial.eu/
  5. Another SL Fashion Feed - http://anotherslfashionfeed.blogspot.com.br/
  6. Harajuku-Lolita Union - http://harajukulolitaunion.blogspot.com.br/
  7. Emporio Magazine - http://emporiomagazinesl.blogspot.com/
  8. Grid Syndicate - http://www.gridsyndicate.com/
  9. SL Bloggers - http://slbloggers.pl/
  10. Second Life Blogger Anonymous - https://secondlifebloggersanonymous.wordpress.com/
  11. Your Closet Feed - http://yourclosetfeed.blogspot.com.br/
  12. Second Life Fashion Addict - https://secondlifefashionaddict.wordpress.com/
  13. SL Style Daily Wire - https://slstyledailywire.blogspot.com.br/
» Age of the blog: 12 years with daily posts

» Amount of posts per week: around 14

» Language: Portuguese/English