# Mili # 1188
00:03- Outfit 1: Pacagaia Creations - :PC: Sexy Santa Costume {by Lɑine Deminɑ (pacagaia)} @ OMG ROOM *tyvm*
- Outfit 2: Pacagaia Creations - :PC: Outfit Sexy Xmas {by Lɑine Deminɑ (pacagaia)} @ OMG ROOM *tyvm*
- Hair 1: Pacagaia Creations - :PC: Mesh Hair With Santa's Hat {by Lɑine Deminɑ (pacagaia)} @ OMG ROOM *tyvm*
- Hair 2: TRUTH HAIR Clover - black & whites {by truth hawks}
- Skin: -Belleza- Yasmin Xmas Gift - All skin tones - Pale {by Shyla Boucher (shyla.diggs)} GROUP GIFT (fee to join)
- Poses: .[ pose+ivity ]. Sasha Pack {by Santana Dover (meccaa)} @ FI*FRIDAYS
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