# Mili # Special Edition


Tomorrow She Goes Away

I always liked Ramones. I always liked the punk rock culture. Actually I already dressed a lot like this in my early teenage days in RL (a long time ago lol).
When I received this hair as a group gift from Little Bones, I knew right in time I'd have to pair it with my Luas outfit for a perfect match :)

Eu sempre gostei de Ramones. Sempre gostei da cultura punk rock. Na verdade, eu muito me vesti assim como no post na minha adolescência RL (há um bom tempo atrás rsrs).
Quando eu recebi esse cabelo de brinde de grupo da Little Bones, eu soube na hora que tinha que usar com a roupa da Luas para uma combinação perfeita :)



Socks: WWI Army Girl Garter Socks - Dark Grey {by minde.mills}
Leg tattoo 1: -UtopiaH- Dark Nightmare Tattoo {by petiita blackbart}
Eyeliner: - DAMNED -  Tribal Make up {by DAMNEDshop}
Lipstick: .Birdy. Lippy {Reds} Femme noir {by nina helix}
Upper tattoo: *V* STORE® - Army Tattoo {by Van Naimarc} couldn't find the store
Leg tattoo 2: :::insanya::: AEHunt - Hip Tattoo - Worned {by Tatyana Ultsch}
Boots: (r)M~Shoe "Riven Boot"~No.03 (Mesh) {by moni schulze} SALE
Earrings: +ROZOREGALIA+*Gemma*EARRING6(Hunting9 SP) {by ROZOREGALIA Braveheart}
Hairband + gloves: [ B! ] : SHICE! : Accessories set - Spiked hair band & gloves {by bomboloni freschi} old hunt gift
Facial piercing 1: <-Puncture-> Dimple Piercings (Gemstone) - Basics {by Reeann Frost}
Eyebrow piercing: <-Punture-> Eyebrow Implants (Spike) Basics {by Reeann Frost}
Outfit: Luas Urban Style - Dulcida Outfit Tartan {by ainaraluas}
Hair: little bones. Elixir - Ink Pot {by nova faerye} FREE GROUP GIFT
Nails + rings: Mstyle Perfect Hand - Short Nails {by mikee mokeev}
Facial piercing 2: [-iPoke-] Widow {by Steele Branner}
Skin: Essences ~ Song TDRF 01 {by inka mexicola} THE DRESSING ROOM FUSION
Eyes: IKON Perspective Eyes - Blue {by Ikon Innovia}

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