# Lex # 5138 - Inventory Mess

# Lex # 5138


# Lex # 5138

Hair: Exile -  Freya

Head: LAQ Era2 ~ Finest Detailed Head Elle

Lip gloss: LAQ Lips - Elara (UHD Appliers)

♥Skin: LAQ SupremeUHD Skin - Raven

♥Body: eBODY - REBORN - by eBODY

♥Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy

♥Tattoo: Puddles. Zodiac Tattoos by Veronica Cuddles

♥Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button

♥Outfit: KiB Designs - Novarae Outfit  by kira.balestra @Darkness Event

Sandals: [seeker] Kiko by apumia @ Kawaii Project

Cup: [Krescendo] [Kres] Corset Cup by KrescendoStore @ Kinky Event

Decor: Sway's [Workplace] Set (It comes in a set with all the items - out for a special bargain at Sway's Weekend Exclusive) by Sway Dench 

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