# Lex # 4840 - Inventory Mess

# Lex # 4840


# Lex # 4840

Hair: [monso] Rosie Hair /Black & Red by Morphine Janick

♥Head: [AK ADVX] - Maria Head by kaoz.koba

♥Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle

♥Skin and body applier: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - URSULA skins by Izara Zuta

♥Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy

♥Tattoo: Puddles. Zodiac Tattoos by Veronica Cuddles

♥Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button

Nails: -{ZOZ}- Cascade Hearts Black Tip (Maitreya) by zozicon

♥Soft arms: MAZE.mods - Soft Arms by Teia Ravenhurst

Arms Cuffs: Ama. : Jingle All The Way : Arm Cuffs (These products are made to fit the soft arms or thighs.) by amadeo.dubratt

Nipple Suckers: Ama. : Jingle Nip Suckers by amadeo.dubratt @ FaMESHed X

Ropes: Absolut Creation *!* Soft Rope // Body Replacer by Ginger Chevalier

♥Pose: STUN - Pose Pack Collection Bento 'Sakiura' #201 by Ariel Boo

Bed: [Krescendo] [Kres] Autobabe Set by KrescendoStore @ Kinky Event

Toys: [Krescendo] [Kres] Santa's Special Toys by KrescendoStore @ Fetish Fair

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