# Lex # 4672 - Inventory Mess

# Lex # 4672


# Lex # 4672

♥Hair: Wasabi // Pink Beanie Ed. Hair  by MissAllSunday Lemon & Rouge Darcy

♥Head: [AK ADVX] - Vanessa Head by kaoz.koba

♥Eyes: IKON Charm Eyes - Brown by Ikon Innovia

♥Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle

♥Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - FALLEN skina by Izara Zuta @ EBENTO - The Event  

♥Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button

♥Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy

♥Tattoo: Puddles. Zodiac Tattoos by Veronica Cuddles

♥Hand Tattoo: Mimmi Collection #Fashion Indie Hands_Box by minegasai

♥Top: DE Designs - Escape Top - Fatpack by DoC Eldritch

♥Nails: VENGE - Stiletto Nail Applier - 'Gothic Pink ' + VENGE - Maitreya - 'Stiletto Nail' Starter Set by Vixn Dagger @ Unik

♥Choker: [Krescendo] [Kres] Clippy Choker by KrescendoStore @ Fetish Fair

♥Pose: Lyrium. Tabby Breathing Stand Set by ni.avril

♥Decor: [Krescendo] [Kres] Funny Frames - Kitchen by KrescendoStore

♥Shelf: .:Tm:.Creation .:Tm:.C. Wait Spring Shelf with Decors by tami.susanowa

♥Sandwiches: Junk Food -  Bologna Sandwiches by late.billig

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