# Lex # 4600 - Inventory Mess

# Lex # 4600


# Lex # 4600

♥ Hair: Wasabi // Raissa - Absolute Pack by  MissAllSunday Lemon & Rouge Darcy @ Epiphany (no gachas, it's a normal event now)

♥ Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head by jaden.nova

♥ Eyes: IKON Charm Eyes - Brown by Ikon Innovia

♥ Earrings: RAWR! Harley ELF Earrings by irce.boucher 

♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle

♥ Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - CULT  by Izara Zuta

♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button

♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy

♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star Sigil - Cancer. by devil.fae 

♥ Hand Tattoo: Mimmi Collection #Fashion Indie Hands_Box by minegasai

♥Nails: .:: StunnerOriginals ::. Bento Nails Mesh Ballerina Long Wow by patricia.bravitz @ The Liaison Collaborative

♥ Jewelry: Rise Design [ rD ] - Rothenburg Set - Womens by Reya Darkstone @ The Liaison Collaborative

♥ Top: Diversion - Bea Lace Top - Fatpack by rina.edenflower @ The Liaison Collaborative

♥ Fur Stole: Moon Elixir x MUSE - Midnight Mirage - Fur Stole - Pink by MoonCelestia

♥ Pose: SEmotion Female Bento Modeling poses Set 54 by Marie Sims

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