♥ Hair: tram K1108 hair / HUD-C by moca Loup @ Collabor88♥ Head: [AK Advanced] - Bento Head 4.1 #W31 by kaoz.koba ♥ Eyes: IKON Triumph Eyes - Armor by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Skin: DeeTaleZ *SKINS* for LELUTKA HEADS (EVO.) - Elsa - EASTERN by steffi.villotaBody skin: DeeTaleZ *Appliers* for MAITREYA BODIES *Chubby* - FR EASTERN by steffi.villota♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star...
♥ Serenity Style- Old Newsstand by hanstrid.inshan♥ Little Branch LB_DracaenaMilkiway{Potted}FatPack by cari.mckeenan ♥ Serenity Style- Old Newsstand by hanstrid.inshan♥ Little Branch LB_DracaenaMilkiway{Potted}FatPack by cari.mckeenan ...
♥ Hair: tram K1108 hair / HUD-C by moca Loup @ Collabor88♥ Head: [AK Advanced] - Bento Head 4.1 #W31 by kaoz.koba ♥ Eyes: IKON Triumph Eyes - Armor by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Skin: DeeTaleZ *SKINS* for LELUTKA HEADS (EVO.) - Elsa - EASTERN by steffi.villota♥ Body skin: DeeTaleZ *Appliers* for MAITREYA BODIES *Chubby* - FR EASTERN by steffi.villota♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star...
♥ Hair: S.E LELUTKA EVOX ABOUT LOVE D.RED 24♥ Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head by jaden.nova♥ Eyes: IKON Charm Eyes - Brown by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Skin and shape: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - FEATHER hunt skin by Izara Zuta @ THE JERKY TURKEY HUNT 3rd-30th♥ Nails: Veechi - Tranquil Glitter Nails by Aiubrey Snoodle♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star Sigil - Cancer. by devil.fae ♥ Scar: Ladybird. // Devotion by moth.aurelia♥ Hand Tattoo: Mimmi...
♥ Raindale - Frostsong rocking horses by keiralans @ Shiny Shabby♥ .:Tm:.Creation .:Tm:.C. C21 Ho Ho Ho Santa Sack by tami.susanowa @ Tres Chic Event♥ .:Tm:.Creation .:Tm:.Creation "Noel in pine wood" Christmas Decor C22 by tami.susanowa @ The Christmas Event♥ Apple Fall Heritage Christmas Tree - Spruce Green / Lower LI by Apple Pumpkins♥ {what next} 'Wintry' Pembury Bench (no floor shadow) by Winter Thorn ...
♥ Hair: *barberyumyum*S19(03) by toraji Voom♥ Head: [AK Advanced] - Bento Head 4.1 #W31 by kaoz.koba ( 50% OFF until Nov 25Th) ♥ Eyes: IKON Triumph Eyes - Armor by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Skin: DeeTaleZ *SKINS* for LELUTKA HEADS (EVO.) - Elsa - EASTERN by steffi.villotaBody skin: DeeTaleZ *Appliers* for MAITREYA BODIES *Chubby* - FR EASTERN by steffi.villota♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star...
♥ Hair: Doe: . Lemon Lime by helyanwe.vindaloo♥ Head: [AK Advanced] - Bento Head 4.1 #W31 by kaoz.koba ( 50% OFF until Nov 25Th) ♥ Eyes: IKON Triumph Eyes - Armor by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Skin: DeeTaleZ *SKINS* for LELUTKA HEADS (EVO.) - Elsa - EASTERN by steffi.villotaBody skin: DeeTaleZ *Appliers* for MAITREYA BODIES *Chubby* - FR EASTERN by steffi.villota♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA...
♥ Blueberry Patch SW~ Harvest Corner ver2~ by ecstasy5.baar @ Swank♥ The Silas Gallery Little fellow with laptop MC by Silas Merlin @ Swank♥ [Harshlands] Pottery Cabin by Kadaj Yoshikawa @ Swank♥ Enchanted Fantasy Fall Autumn Display ~ Teal Wellies ~ Fall Flowers Leaves by xanthe.firehawk @ Swank♥ AZ STUDIO Lighted Fir Blogger Pack by atlantis.zero @ Swank♥ Lilith's Den - Catching Autumn Dreams by alrunia.ahn @ Swank♥ -Quality Gardens- QG Sandstone path and patio set by liamlionhearte ♥ Blueberry Patch SW~ Harvest Corner ver2~ by ecstasy5.baar @ Swank♥ The Silas Gallery Little fellow...
♥ Park Place [Park Place] Autumn Holiday Accent Chair - PG + [Park Place] Autumn Holiday China Cabinet + [Park Place] Autumn Holiday Dinette +[Park Place] Autumn Holiday Faux Window + [Park Place] Autumn Holiday Serving Table by deann.dufaux @ Swank ♥ Park Place [Park Place] Autumn Holiday Accent Chair - PG + [Park Place] Autumn Holiday China Cabinet + [Park Place] Autumn Holiday Dinette +[Park Place] Autumn Holiday Faux Window + [Park Place] Autumn...
♥ Hair: Doe: Agatha V2 - Fatpack by helyanwe.vindaloo♥ Hat: (*<*) 1313 Mockingbird Lane (*<*) 1313 Elfin' Hot Hat by izzybee.nimble @ Tannenbaum♥ Head: [AK Advanced] - Bento Head 4.0 #W29 by kaoz.koba ♥ Eyes: IKON Hope Eyes - Rustic by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Skin: *YS&YS* Mao BOM Skins - LELUTKA EVOL/EVOX FATPACK by Monicuzza Babenco & monyka.benelli♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star Sigil - Cancer. by devil.fae ♥ Hand Tattoo: Mimmi...
♥ Decor Junction Pergola with Curtains by Katelyn Barom♥ Shutter Field [SF] ELLIE BED by Heavenly Villa ♥ Decor Junction Pergola with Curtains by Katelyn Barom♥ Shutter Field [SF] ELLIE BED by Heavenly Villa ...
■ Hair-Foxy - Cookie Hair (Brown) by Liza Broono @ Collabor88■ Mesh Head-CATWA HDPRO MajerEdged by Catwa Clip■ Eyes Applier-AG. Glasslike Eyes Pack by Kenny Rowley■ Face applier❤[theSkinnery] Emily (CatwaHDPRO) honey by Umazuma Metaluna @ Collabor88■ Body applier❤[theSkinnery] Bom Body - FIT honey by Umazuma Metaluna■ Mesh Body-[LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition (1.4) by MeshBody■ Body Freckles❤[theSkinnery] Bom Body - Freckles...
♥ Hair: tram K1108 hair / HUD-C by moca Loup @ Collabor88♥ Head: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Face W001 - Mocap by genusproject♥ Eyes: IKON Charm Eyes - Brown by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Skin and shape: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - BRIGITTA skin by Izara Zuta @ VANITY EVENT 2021♥ Nails: Veechi - Tranquil Glitter Nails by Aiubrey Snoodle♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star...
♥ Hair: Exile - Yara by Kavar Cleanslate @ Collabor88♥ Head: [AK Advanced] - Bento Head 4.0 #W29 by kaoz.koba ♥ Eyes: IKON Hope Eyes - Rustic by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Skin: *YS&YS* Mao BOM Skins - LELUTKA EVOL/EVOX FATPACK by Monicuzza Babenco & monyka.benelli♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star Sigil - Cancer. by devil.fae ♥ Hand Tattoo: Mimmi Collection #Fashion Indie Hands_Box by minegasai♥ Rings: LIVIA // Willow Bento...
♥ Beane: MOoH! Deer beanie by Dalriada Delwood @ Enchantment♥ Bangs: DOUX - #4 Bangs [BASIC PACK] by dam1710♥ Head: [AK Advanced] - Bento Head 4.0 #W29 by kaoz.koba ♥ Eyes: IKON Hope Eyes - Rustic by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Skin: *YS&YS* Mao BOM Skins - LELUTKA EVOL/EVOX FATPACK by Monicuzza Babenco & monyka.benelli♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star Sigil - Cancer. by devil.fae ♥ Hand Tattoo: Mimmi Collection #Fashion Indie Hands_Box...
♥ Hair: Magika - Morticia by Sabina Gully♥ Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head by jaden.nova♥ Eyes: IKON Charm Eyes - Brown by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Skin and shape: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - MARTINE by Izara Zuta @ WIP EVENT♥ Nails: Veechi - Tranquil Glitter Nails by Aiubrey Snoodle♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star Sigil - Cancer. by devil.fae ♥ Scar: Ladybird. // Devotion by moth.aurelia♥ Hand Tattoo: Mimmi Collection #Fashion Indie Hands_Box by minegasai♥ Earrings: e.marie // Jasmine...
♥ GOOSE - Skilift Swing by tyrek @ Cosmopolitan♥ Little Branch LB_ElmTree.v2{Animated}4Seasons_Pack by cari.mckeenan @ TMD - The Mens Dept♥ .:Tm:.Creation .:Tm:.C. wa35 Lets go out Winter Scene by tami.susanowa @ Swank♥ *HEXtraordinary* Hanging Lantern Branches by Corwin Lacourte ♥ NOMAD // THE KITTY CHOIR 2020 by piraiyah.novikov ♥ GOOSE - Skilift Swing by tyrek @ Cosmopolitan♥ Little Branch LB_ElmTree.v2{Animated}4Seasons_Pack by cari.mckeenan @ TMD - The Mens Dept♥ .:Tm:.Creation .:Tm:.C. wa35 Lets go out Winter Scene by tami.susanowa @ Swank♥ *HEXtraordinary* Hanging Lantern Branches by Corwin Lacourte ♥ NOMAD // THE KITTY CHOIR 2020 by piraiyah.novikov ...
■ Hair-DOUX - Bellami hairstyle by Dam1710 @ Equal10■ Hairbase-SIIX// Arabian Hairbase by GuiseppeCee■ Mesh Head❤LeLUTKA Lilly Head 3.1 by Jaden Nova■ Eyes Applier-AG. Felicity Eyes Pack by Kenny Rowley■ Scar--Lepunk- Scars III +BOM+ by Xandra Bianco■ Nose Scar-ETERNY - SCARS / UNISEX / BOM by EthanGrayson■ Face Moles-Izzie's - Face Moles V2 & Neck Moles by Izzie Button■...
♥ Hair: pr!tty - hiccup - [Fatpack] by karla.marama♥ Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head by jaden.nova♥ Eyes: IKON Charm Eyes - Brown by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Skin and shape: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - BRENNAN by Izara Zuta @ Designer Showcase 5th-25th♥ Nails: Veechi - Tranquil Glitter Nails by Aiubrey Snoodle♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star Sigil - Cancer. by devil.fae ♥ Scar: Ladybird. // Devotion by moth.aurelia♥ Hand Tattoo: Mimmi Collection #Fashion Indie Hands_Box by minegasai♥ Earrings: e.marie...
♥ Shutter Field - SF SUTTON SET by Heavenly Villa ( 50% until Nov 14th) ♥ .:Tm:.Creation .:Tm:.C. GP46 Poinsettias in the log by tami.susanowa @ Unik ♥ Sway's [Branch Alphabet] by Sway Dench @ Wanderlust♥ Serenity Style- Star Wooden Path by hanstrid.inshan @ Wanderlust♥ Apple Fall Figs in Bowl - Wood by Apple Pumpkins♥ Apple Fall Cheese & Apple by Apple Pumpkins ♥ Shutter Field - SF SUTTON SET by Heavenly Villa ( 50% until Nov 14th) ♥ .:Tm:.Creation .:Tm:.C. GP46 Poinsettias in the log...
♥ Hair: bonbon - kei hair (ombres) by Nana Banana♥ Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head by jaden.nova♥ Eyes: IKON Charm Eyes - Brown by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Skin and shape: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - DALLAS by Izara Zuta @ RITUAL ♥ Nails: Tulssy - Wave Fatpack by Kamila Stoanes @ WOW♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star Sigil - Cancer. by devil.fae ♥ Scar: Ladybird. // Devotion by moth.aurelia♥ Hand Tattoo: Mimmi Collection #Fashion Indie Hands_Box by minegasai♥ Earrings: e.marie // Jasmine...
♥ Raindale - Sparklejoy set by keiralans @ Enchantment♥ Shutter Field - SF MESSY DAY BED SET by Heavenly Villa ( 50% until Nov 14th) ♥ Raindale - Sparklejoy set by keiralans @ Enchantment♥ Shutter Field - SF MESSY DAY BED SET by Heavenly Villa ( 50% until Nov 14th) ...
■ Hair-Stealthic - Realness by Stealthic■ Mesh Head❤LeLUTKA Gaia Head 3.1 by Jaden Nova■ Eyes Applier-AG. Gaia Eyes - Neko Pack by Kenny Rowley■ Face applier❤[Glam Affair] Gaia Skin [Lelutka EvoX] Milk by aida Ewing■ Body applier❤Glam Affair - Legacy Body Skin - Milk by aida Ewing■ Mesh Body-[LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition (1.4) by MeshBody■ Body Freckles❤[theSkinnery]...
♥ Hair: Wasabi // Pickle Mesh Hair - All colors by MissAllSunday Lemon♥ Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head by jaden.nova♥ Eyes: IKON Charm Eyes - Brown by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Skin: *YS&YS* Alessandra BOM Skins - LELUTKA EVOX /FATPACK by Monicuzza Babenco & monyka.benelli ♥ Nails: Veechi - Tranquil Glitter Nails by Aiubrey Snoodle♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star Sigil - Cancer. by devil.fae ♥ Scar: Ladybird. // Devotion by moth.aurelia♥ Hand Tattoo: Mimmi Collection...
♥ Hair: !!Firelight!! Bethany NG_Curls Fatpack by Teresa Firelight @ Swank♥ Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head by jaden.nova♥ Eyes: IKON Charm Eyes - Brown by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Head Skin and shape: ND/MD Romy head / shape vor by moonlay.laval @ Swank♥ Nails: Veechi - Tranquil Glitter Nails by Aiubrey Snoodle♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star Sigil - Cancer. by devil.fae ♥ Scar: Ladybird. // Devotion by moth.aurelia♥ Hand Tattoo: Mimmi Collection #Fashion Indie Hands_Box by minegasai♥ Earrings: e.marie // Jasmine Earrings...
■ Hair-DOUX - Lynn hairstyle by Dam1710■ Mesh Head❤LeLUTKA Sasha Head 3.1 by Jaden Nova■ Eyes Applier-AG. Equinox Eyes Pack by Kenny Rowley■ Face Marks-Izzie's - Age Spots by Izzie Button■ Eyebags❤[theSkinnery] Wornout Eyebags (LeLutkaEvoX) by Umazuma Metaluna @ Anthem■ Skin-a.b - Tiffany - BOM LeLu Evo X 15 by Shana Banana @ Dubai■ Mesh Body-[LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition (1.4)...
♥ Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Remi - Reds by sintikliasims♥ Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head by jaden.nova♥ Eyes: IKON Charm Eyes - Brown by Ikon Innovia♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle♥ Skin: *YS&YS* Alessandra BOM Skins - LELUTKA EVOX /FATPACK by Monicuzza Babenco & monyka.benelli ♥ Nails: Veechi - Dark Mirror Pigment Nails by Aiubrey Snoodle♥ Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button♥ Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy♥ Tattoo: DAPPA - Star Sigil - Cancer. by devil.fae ♥ Scar: Ladybird. // Devotion by moth.aurelia♥ Hand Tattoo: Mimmi Collection #Fashion Indie...