# Lex # 1935


# Lex # 1935

Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Miwa Mesh Hair - by rouge darcy & missallsunday lemon @ Uber
Mesh Head: LeLutka Bento Head-SIMONE 2.6 by jadenart
Ears: UNISEX[MANDALA]STEKING_EARS_Season 5  by kikunosuke.eel 
Eyes: IKON  Hope Eyes - Rustic by ikon innovia
Mesh Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by onyx leshelle 
Hands: -VA-F-VISTA BENTO PROHANDS FEM-V.1FINAL by vistanimations
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins  - NEW TEST skin HUD omega BODY & FACE Cashew (Showing a new skin tone : Cashew - It will  be a Skin Fair release- Gorgeous) by izara.zuta
Outfit: Stelloane Daddy's Slut outfit by lafouine.chiung
Pose: Lush Poses Hipster Female by kayshla.aristocrat @ The Hipster Fair

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