# Mili # 2665 - Inventory Mess

# Mili # 2665


# Mili # 2665 ❤[TattooMania ** Cursed ** - UNISEX ] by erozs
❤*agp* Nina Bikini A-Top & A-Bottom (separately) by Sora Tatham (@ Kustom9 gacha)
+elua+ Wilma_Darkbrown pack by Miu Edman
[theSkinnery] Lisl (LeLutka Applier) champagne by Umazuma Metaluna (@ The Chapter Four)
[theSkinnery] Universal MeshBody Applier(OmegaSystem) champagne by Umazuma Metaluna
Glamrus . Couples Beach Floatie White v1.0 by Xange Madrigal (@ The Chapter Four)
Glamrus Kids . Beach Tube - Bellflower by GlamRus (@ Dreamful)
Trompe Loeil - Stella River Barge by Cory Edo (@ Collabor88)
Trompe Loeil - Stella Folding Chair PG by Cory Edo (@ Collabor88)

✉ Location: Missing Mile
More info on Basics tab
For Lala's look check her blog Secrets of a Baby

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