❤{ Speakeasy } Numb Tattoo by JamesEdwardQ (@ Uber) (Yummy) Open Heart Pendant - Silver - White by Polyester Partridge ❤Cae :: Summer :: Bracelet (copy) + Cae :: Summer :: Flamingo/ Palm/ Pineapple/ Sunglasses (no copy - 10 charms total - 9 commons, 1 rare) by Caelan Hancroft (Gacha Guardians - starting July 1st) ❤fri. - Dinah.Sandals (Camel) by Darling Monday (@ Uber) TRUTH HAIR Dune - browns by Truth Hawks...
I was lucky to find my SL mom in my first days. A sweet canadian woman that really teached me the basics and what I needed as a newbie. She found me in Welcome Area, sent me a teleport to her house, showed how to walk, to send an IM, even how to dance :) And give me a space where I could...
❤SLX Outfit - Tina by beanster Potato [Entwined] Marie - Dark Browns by VivienMarli ❤*YS&YS* Danana Tone02 Skin Applier - Catwa Mesh Head by Monicuzza Babenco (@ Shiny Shabby) ❤*YS&YS* - Applier Tone 02 for Maitreya Lara Body by Monicuzza Babenco ❤= Fashiowl Poses = Moving 2 by goizane (@ Tres Chic) ✉ Location: Missing Mile More info on Basics tab .......... ...
rezology Sky 219 (mesh hair) by selc [PXL] Heidi NAT ~ Lelutka Head applier HUD by hart.larsson Conotte Store Lady Killer by leohard.sabretooth @ Ross fri. - Juliette.Boots (Coal) by darling monday .::AaaHhh::. Gacha Set poses Freedom! by anveay @ Ross .::More info on Basics tab::. ...
rezology Sky 219 (mesh hair) by selc [PXL] Heidi NAT ~ Lelutka Head applier HUD by hart.larsson Eluzion * Kaya Dress PURPLE by yaline sewell Vengeful Threads - Dark Cameo Necklace by vixn dagger @ Genre .::AaaHhh::. Set poses "Pink delight #2" by anveay @ Ross .::More info on Basics tab::. ...
Doe: Shay - by helyanwe vindaloo @ Uber [PXL] Heidi NAT ~ Lelutka Head applier HUD by hart.larsson Fearsum [F] Rock n Roll Black by soulstripper.fearsum @ Ross !IT! (Indulge Temptation!) - Just Cross Me Necklace 2 by aneanu@ Color Me Project [House of Ruby] [HoR] Playful Unisex Tights 4 in 1 - Love Lace by olgita ruby Izzie's- Assorted Beads Bracelet (female) by izzie button fri. - Macey.Platforms (Charred) by darling monday DS'ELLES- INNOCENTE- 5...
(Yummy) Open Heart Pendant - Silver - White by Polyester Partridge ❤Bens Boutique - Sare Frilly Dress - Hud Driven by Snow Martiel ❤fri. - Dinah.Sandals (Cloud) by Darling Monday (@ Uber) [DUE] Ziwen by Dubled ❤*YS&YS* Danana Tone02 Skin Applier - Catwa Mesh Head by Monicuzza Babenco (@ Shiny Shabby) ❤*YS&YS* - Applier Tone 02 for Maitreya Lara Body by Monicuzza Babenco ❤= Fashiowl Poses =...
❤(epia) - Firefighter Uniform (w/ Helmet) by Verone Potez +elua+ Wilma_Darkbrown pack by Miu Edman ❤:[P]:- Briane Skin (Femme):// Osanne by Aikea Rieko Frozen - My Grey Cat Poses by Weronika Pobieski ✉ Location: Missing Mile More info on Basics tab .......... ...
❤(ViSion} -S&F *Bustier Vaia / VIP Gift by Pjey Pearl (VIP group gift) (Yummy) Talisman Charms - Protection - Silver by Polyester Partridge (@ N21) KITJA - Kerca Pants BLUE by Kitja Rexie pr!tty - Gigi - {Browns} by Karla Marama ❤[hh] Brooke Heels -2 STYLES- 35 Textures by Hilly Haalan ❤:[P]:- Briane Skin (Femme):// Osanne by Aikea Rieko IE - Dita 2 (b) by kay Weston More...
❤:[P]:- Fauxe June Makeup:// Canda by Aikea Rieko ❤...:::Beautiful Dirty Rich:::... Trying NOT to be cute (W/P) by Cameron Vasiliov UNISEX[MANDALA]Steking EARS by kikunosuke Eel IKON Sovereign Eyes - Kawaii by Ikon Innovia [LeLutka]-MALEFICENT hair/Naturals by Thora Charron ❤:[P]:- Draziele Skin (Femme):// Ahriman by Aikea Rieko !bang - stands 410-419 by Luna Jubilee (closing sale) ✉ Location: Grace Island More info on Basics tab .......... ...
❤{ Speakeasy } Force Tattoo by JamesEdwardQ (@ Geektopia) #EMPIRE - Tagetes by QUEENshop (June group gift) CATWA HEAD Dyana by Catwa Clip little bones. True - The Blend by Nova Faerye (@ N21) ❤[hh] Sangria Dress by Hilly Haalan ❤.::WoW Skins::. 2016 Layla TAN Catwa applier by Sawsan Secretspy ❤Turlaccor Custombike VixBoy Touring + Army - Extreme by Turlaccor Mode More info on Basics tab .......... ...
.:EMO-tions:. * WARLORD * BRUNETTE by Mirja Mills (@ We <3 RP) ❤MoDANNA [Ursula Collection] Armored Dress Black by Lisanna Lauria ❤[theSkinnery] Magali (Catwa Applier) champagne by Umazuma Metaluna (@ Collabor88) ❤[theSkinnery] Universal MeshBody Applier(OmegaSystem) champagne by Umazuma Metaluna ❤Overlow Poses - Pack 77 by Bubuzinha Luv ✉ Location: Sarawak More info on Basics tab .......... ...
Sway's [Kai] Dresser by sway dench @ Lost & Found Sway's [Bay] photo holder by sway dench @ Lost & Found {what next} Watermelon Pops by winter thorn @ Arcade Gacha Kaerri Malibu Palm Planter by kaerri.rae Kaerri Malibu Rug by kaerri.rae Kaerri Malibu Curtain by kaerri.rae Kaerri Cocktail Tray by kaerri.rae ...
(Yummy) Tuareg Beaded Necklace - White by Polyester Partridge (@ Uber) ❤Asteria - "Stela" Bandana 2 Options - [Mod/Resizer] - Red by kathrine Asteria ❤Asteria - "Stela" Skirt - [Maitreya-Slink] - Red by kathrine Asteria ❤Asteria - "Stela" Top - [Maitreya-Slink] - Red by kathrine Asteria *booN cornrows hairbase all colors pack by boo Nakamura *booN UDE609 hair black/chocolate/purple by boo Nakamura CATWA HEAD Helena by Catwa Clip ❤fri. - Cleo.Sandals (Ocean)...
Blueberry - Tazz Denim Shorts - Dark Gray by Blueberryxx ❤Ricielli - Lily Minitop /White by Fhara Acacia (@ Shiny Shabby) TRUTH HAIR Dune - browns by Truth Hawks (@ Uber) ItGirls - Catwa Skin Applier - Tiana Summer by Annie Jolifaunt ItGirls- Maitreya body applier by Annie Jolifaunt ❤Overlow Poses - Pack 13 by Bubuzinha Luv ✉ Location: Missing Mile More info on Basics tab .......... ...
❤{ Speakeasy } Force Tattoo by JamesEdwardQ (@ Geektopia) Kaithleen's Fur Boa with Color Hud by Zlyskritek REIGN.- JUJUBEEE HEELS- BLACK by KenadeeCole Tableau Vivant \\ Fanny II hair - Basics by M4ri1yn Magic ❤UC_Sahara_dress_All in 1_Maitreya_Belleza_Slink by unitedcolorsteam (@ Uber) [NikotiN] Holder Cigarette - Classic by Raph Dirval [NikotiN] Addon - Holder Filter (Black) by Raph Dirval ItGirls - Catwa Skin Applier - Tiana Summer by Annie Jolifaunt ItGirls- Maitreya body applier by Annie Jolifaunt ❤.mien. {mara} by Connie Stratten...
❤{ Speakeasy } Force Tattoo by JamesEdwardQ (@ Geektopia) (Yummy) Talisman Charms - Protection - Silver by Polyester Partridge (@ N21) Eaters Coma - Crop Cami w/Sunglasses / White by Kumii Yoshikawa (Sale) Eaters Coma - HAIR 50 / FAT PACK by Kumii Yoshikawa (Sale) ❤fri. - Cleo.Sandals (Coal) by Darling Monday (@ Summerfest) ❤:: D-Style - Reika Overall DarkStyle HUD :: by Christel Morane ItGirls - Catwa Skin Applier -...
#EMPIRE - Tagetes by QUEENshop (June group gift) (Yummy) Open Heart Pendant - Gold - White Diamond by Polyester Partridge ❤enVOGUE - HAIR Madalyn - Diversity by Casandra Rain ❤Kaithleen's Lined Bottom Dress by Zlyskritek (@ Cosmopolitan) ItGirls - Catwa Skin Applier - Tiana Summer by Annie Jolifaunt ItGirls- Maitreya body applier by Annie Jolifaunt ❤{NANTRA} Butterflies Are Free by Nancoix Urquan (@ The Instruments) More info on Basics tab .......... ...
Doe: Shay - by helyanwe vindaloo @ Uber DS'ELLES Skin SANDY - NEVA- Makeup 1 by deesselle destiny @ Vintage Fair 2016 Entice - Light My Fire - by enticestore @ Super Weekend Sale -KC- IVONNE HEELS / MAITREYA, BELLEZA, SLINK, EVE, TMP! by klari55a ::C'est la vie !:: Mariette Bag - by larcoco.mathy [Black Tulip] Poses - Water by auryn beorn @ Lazy Sunday .::More info on Basics tab::. ...
rezology Butterfly 100 (mesh hair) by selc *YS&YS* Danana Applier for Catwa by monicuzza babenco @ Shiny Shabby CATWA HEAD Alice by catwa.clip *Pink Acid My Mean Baby Yorkie male Brighter by pinkacidstore @ N21 *plowwies* Ilona dress by plowwie.voom !NFINITY Gothic Serpent Collar by infinityowner @ The Saturday Sale fri. - Olivia.Sandals (Dust) by darling monday @ Fifty Lindens Fridays [Black Tulip] Poses - Water by auryn beorn @ Lazy Sunday .::More info on Basics tab::. ...
*Bolson / Tattoo Mesh Body Pack - Sak Yant by ChewbaccaNotDead (@ Summerfest) #EMPIRE - Azalea by QUEENshop ❤*agp* Helen outfit / fatpack by Sora Tatham (@ Shiny Shabby) CATWA HEAD Aisha V4.9 by Catwa Clip Eaters Coma - HAIR 69 / FAT PACK by Kumii Yoshikawa (99L fatpack sale) ❤[Z O O M] Mytho Septum by Jonas Acanthus (@ Shiny Shabby) ❤Hello Dave - Nail Appliers - And Then Some - Gloss by Maia Gasparini...
Ama. : Never Give Up Sign by amadeo dubratt @ Cosmopolitan Serenity Style-Coquette Wardrobe.by hanstrid.inshan @ SaNaRae June [CIRCA] "Game NerdZ" Room Collection by cherelle capra @ Geektopia Second Spaces - Frame of Reference bookshelves (bright) by elle kirshner Apple Fall {sa} Make Love Not War Art by warehousefifteendesigns (old gacha item) +Half-Deer+ Purrfect Patisserie - Strawberry Princess - Lay by halogen.magic @ Arcade floorplan. neon skull / blacklight by tegan serin .:revival:. linen trunk set by momentous LISP - Mesh - Jewel Summer...
❤Sway's [Kai] Dresser by Sway Dench (@ Lost & Found) Dresser with rope handles 5 options: blank, anchor, ship wheel, stripes and chevron ❤Sway's [Bay] photo holder by Sway Dench (@ Lost & Found) driftwood and rope photo holder with ocean themed pictures and for 6 of your own pictures, held by clothespins ❤Sway's [Ahoy] Boat candle by Sway Dench green, blue and red, each color with gold and...
❤alaskametro<3 "Alexa" metallic flats - Pearl by Alaska Metropolitan ❤Asteria - Taylor Shirt - Purple by kathrine Asteria ❤Asteria - Taylor Skirt - Purple Flower by kathrine Asteria Besom~ Backstage by kattington CATWA HEAD Amy by Catwa Clip (New) Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle Baby Amari & Single Stroller: Zooby by Carrie Tatsu ❤[theSkinnery] SLB13 Gift - Happy B-day! Eyes by Umazuma Metaluna (@ Collabor88 - SLB13 Cake) ❤[theSkinnery] Magali...
❤(epia) - Firefighter Uniform (w/ Helmet) by Verone Potez +elua+ Wilma_Darkbrown pack by Miu Edman ❤[theSkinnery] Trisha (Omega Applier) mocca by Umazuma Metaluna (@ Shiny Shabby) ❤[theSkinnery] Universal Mesh Body Applier (OmegaSystem) mocca by Umazuma Metaluna ❤**Eternal Dream* Skater 01 by Fata Boa (skate not shown) ✉ Location: Missing Mile More info on Basics tab .......... ...
❤ND/MD Cuties (Suzu-natural) mesh avatar by Alea Lamont (center) [ Love Soul ] Hair*090*Jet Black by BlueStarRUI Villota ❤Glamrus . Juicy Summer by Xange Madrigal (@ Color Me Cute) ✉ Location: Missing Mile .......... ...
.: Mai Bilavio :. Cancer Zodiac Chain in Gold by Mai Bilavio (@ Kustom9) /Wasabi Pills/ Rowan Mesh Hair - Browns by MissAllSunday Lemon CATWA HEAD Dyana by Catwa Clip (New) Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle ❤MoDANNA [Cruella Collection] Asymmetric Strapless Blue by Lisanna Lauria ❤Deesses Boutique: Universe nails (Slink,Maitreya,Belleza) by NatalieWells ❤R.icielli - KYRA High Heels HUD 16 colors by Vliet Troncon (@ Cosmopolitan) ❤*YS&YS* Danana...
The Little Branch LB_GreenAsh{4Seasons} by cari mckeenan@Shiny Shabby - June Kaerri Cloister Complete Set by kaerri.rae @ 2016 UAC RFL Medieval Faire ...
Doe: Moyra - Gacha by helyanwe vindaloo @ The Fantasy Collective *YS&YS* Danana Applier for Catwa by monicuzza babenco @ Shiny Shabby [EvelineInTheBox] Enya (comes in 7 different Huds with 10 colors/designs each and the chains can be switched between gold and silver) by eveline.ashbourne *Dilly Dolls**DD* Drayna Pumps (Red) by oriana.kuhr @ 20Twenty IMAGE ESSENTIALS IE - Wall to Wall V2 by kay.weston @ The Alchemy .::More info on Basics tab::. ...
❤LOST&FOUND - CHEZ MOI - CANOPY BENCH by Nanda Marjeta (@ Lost & Found - more info here) BUENO-Cat - Brown 1 by Mikel Monk (old gacha item) .......... ...