# Mili # 1943


# Mili # 1943 *Livingroom Set: Sway's [Erika] Set . monochrome / Adult by Sway Dench (@ Uber)
3 color themes: fresh, harvest and monochrome
- with 16 single and friends animations for up to 3 avatars
- 8 couple animations
- Adult version + 10 adult animations
- 3 texture options for pillows
Table - simple coffee table
- small vase
- vase with flower
- bowl with apples
In PG and Adult version - as set and separately available
* Plethora Set by plethorasl (@ Romp)
-Dice of Sin: dice spin on touch/mesh animation & soundbite/random combination each spin
-Smartphone Tablet Set - Silver Mistress: animated tablet & handset/handset sounbite on touch/tablet works as typing ao when worn/lock screen slides up on tablet when rezzed
Whiskey: [ kunst ] - Bourbon set by Kunst Himmel
All other furniture: Bazar by ria bazar


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