# Lex # 1002



HairElikatira [e] Piper - Essentials {by elikapeka.tiramisu}
Skin7 Deadly s{K}ins - Sientje blonde {by izara zuta}*tyvm*
Piercing!NFINITY KISMET Septum Piercing BLACK SILVER{by infinityowner} @ The Thrift Shop *tyvm* NEW

Collar!NFINITY Denim Heart Collar LILAC{by infinityowner}The Thrift Shop *tyvm* NEW
JacketDE Designs - Sashi Jacket - Multipack {by doc eldritch}*tyvm*
TankDE Designs - Beth Lace Tank - Blue - Maitreya Applier {by doc eldritch}*tyvm*
Jeans.: Somnia :. Haven Voyage Darks {Crated}{by sanura snowpaw}*tyvm* NEW
Boots:Goth1c0: Devil Goth Boots {by keishii.roo}The Thrift Shop *tyvm*
PoseVerocity - Kristi Pose Set{by windie.melody}The Thrift Shop 

EyesIKON  Odyssey Eyes - Oak {by ikon innovia} 
Body,hands and feetMaitreya Mesh Body - Lara {by onyx.leshelle}

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