# Lex # 669


# Lex # 669
Leaf on the Wind is a fundraising event that will be held to benefit Scarlet Chandrayaan, Owner of Alouette, in hopes of helping her make a wish come true of visiting London.  The creators behind Leaf on the Wind want to thank any and all of you that send Amy well wishes and words of support, and for those of you that offer to donate to this worthy cause.

Amy, known as Scarlet Chandrayaan (owner of Alouette) in Second Life, is one tough young lady.   At the young age of 26 Amy was planning the big move interstate with her boyfriend ready to start a fresh new life together when she received the news no one ever wants to hear.  Cancer that she had fought off once before has returned and this time it’s worse.  The doctors have given her 2 years at the most if she just continues on with life as it is at the moment and makes the most of the time she has left.  There are a few options open to her, but none a sure fire cure all.  No one wants to be dealt this blow, whether young or having lived a long life, but Amy is soldiering on with a smile on her face ready to battle this with whatever options she can.  We’re all hoping she can fight this once more and live a long life.

Each creator at the event will have up to 4 vendors in their allocated booth. The theme of the event is "All things London".  There will be an Auction/Bid Board area for the duration of the event and on the last saturday, the 31st of January, there will be a DJ event and winners of the auction prizes will be announced.  All auction items are special deals with values of L$1000 and upwards.
Blog:  http://leafonthewindsl.wordpress.com/
Flickr:  https://www.flickr.com/groups/leafonthewind/
January 10th and closes February 1st
DJ Event: January 31st from 4pm SLT through to 7 pm SLT
Auction winners announced: January 31st during the DJ event
Place: Here ( access will not open until the 10th)
# Lex # 669

# Lex # 669
Outfit[Cisne] Emma [Full outfit bxd] {by addisonchase} @ Leaf on the Wind *TYVM*
Skin7 Deadly s{K}ins - BEERTJE {by izara zuta}  @ [B] UniGue *TYVM*
Hair:Magika [03] Such {by sabina.gully}
Pet: Bokeh - Wild Goat Thing 'blue' {by bokehstore}
HandsSlink {by siddean munro} 

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