# Lex # 597


# Lex # 597
Pose: Something New Poses *SN~ Trim our Tree Bagged {by allysondwyer}  @ Trim The Tree Hunt (coming soon)*TYVM*
# Lex # 597
Pose: ...:Something Erotic :..*SE~ My King -{by allysondwyer}  NEW*TYVM*

# Lex # 597
Pose: ...:Something Erotic :..*SE~ Je Te Aime{by allysondwyer}  NEW*TYVM*

# Lex # 597
Pose: Sweet Sacrifice Sweet Sacrifice ~ makes sense {by sarahbear18.gossipgirl}Silly Seven event (coming soon)

Hair:Clawtooth: Cozy cutie  {by bubbles.clawtooth} 
Skin and Shape: -POUDRE- Ada Wolf Black - Skins {by ambra hoxley} *TYVM*
Pijama: *plowwies* Cupid jammies set female 1{by plowwie.voom} *TYVM*
Nails: .: ZcZ :.Gwin Bright Mani/Pedi - SLink  {by arora.zanzibar}*TYVM*
Hands and body: Slink {by Siddean Munro}

Skin:7 Deadly s{K}ins  - NOVEMBER 2014 group gift guys{by izara zuta}  GROUP GIFT
Hair: ::Exile:: Thunderstruck: Blacks  {by kavar.cleanslate}
Bear: [INK] Hair___ZEUS ::Black/Coal  {by nontroppo.torii} 
Bracelet: J and W Jewlers #35 c mens {by jens.marksman} (closed)
Pijamas: *plowwies*  Cupid jammies set men 2 {by plowwie.voom}
Shape: :::_ANTONIO_BELISSIMA_SHAPES_:::: (no available, sorry, I didn´t find it in the store{by paty.larimore}
Eyes: Mayfly - Keshie Group Gift (Liquid Light Eyes - Hazel Shadow) {by arkesh.baral} GROUP GIFT

Furnitures from: Frogstar - The Cartographer's Study Gacha {by ravenna rossini}@Gorean Gacha (contains 14 commons, 2 rares and 1 ultrarare skybox. Each play will be 50L)NEW

# Lex # 597

# Lex # 597
Frogstar - Cartographer's Study Skybox ULTRARARE
Frogstar - Leather Map Holder
Frogstar - Basket of Maps
Frogstar - Map Cabinet (Light)
Frogstar - Calligraphy Set
Frogstar - Framed Map 1
Frogstar - Framed Map 3
Frogstar - Framed Map 2
Frogstar - Calipers & Map
Frogstar - Map Cabinet w/ Display (Light)
Frogstar - Protractor Bookends
Frogstar - Map Cubby (Light)

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