# Lex # 573


Hello Sunday! I  used the autocontrast filter from SL and I liked it!
# Lex # 573

Hair: Alice Project Halloween Massacre Special 10/31{by alice.demonia} 
Skin:[DBF] Poppy skin and shape (honey) {by lutricia roux}*TYVM*
Body, hands and feet:Slink {by siddean munro}
Top:[Stellar] Cropped Star Shirt 8 pack (+ Physique Hud) {by lexi morgan}*TYVM*
Jumpsuit: Jumpsuit Jeans Kawaii W-HUD Texture_RD Style {by renata dragovar}XY Room*TYVM*
Sandals: *BOOM* Halcyon Sandals - White {by aranel.ah}

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