# Mili # 846 - Like An Angel


# Mili # 846 - Like An Angel

  • Dimples: L.Fauna 2.0 Tattoo [Dimples] [Pale] {by Launa Fauna}
  • Outfit: :: FLG Angel Girl + HUD :: {by Carolina Kroll} FREE GROUP GIFT *tyvm* (comes with texture change hud for shirt and pants appliers)
  • Pumps: fri.day - fri. - Persephone.Pumps (Rawhide) {by Darling Monday} *tyvm*
  • Eyes: IKON Promise Eyes - Chocolate {by ikon innovia}
  • Bracelets: Izzie's - Aarya Bracelet {by izzie button} 
  • Hair: Lamb. Sacred - Dark Blonde Pack {by lamb bellic}
  • Skin: [PF] Dango Skin <Crystal> (ltbrows) part of Plethora - Mochi Dango - Bunny {by plethorasl} @ CANDY FAIR (combo with Pink Fuel "Dango" promo skin courtesy of Mochi Milena = coming soon on September 30)
  • Pose: {.:exposeur:.} Belly Dance 4 {by RubyStarlight Writer}

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