# Mili # 845 - Craving


# Mili # 845 - Craving
  • Hair: .:CHEVEUX:.HairFair2014Gift LeafFairyHair {by Yøωl (mariru.catnap)} (Hair Fair olf gift)
  • Eyes: IKON Promise Eyes- Chocolate {by ikon innovia}
  • Nail polish: Hello Dave - Slink AvEnhance - High Gloss Nude {by maia gasparini} *tyvm*
  • Complete outfit: [FORMIS DESIGNE] OUTFIT BEKAH {by Sandhy Lavendel} @ OMG ROOM *tyvm*
  • Sweet Idea: Plethora - Sweet Idea - Soda {by plethorasl} @ CANDY FAIR (Listens to owner public chat. If keyword is picked up, Sweet Idea product will become visible in a thought bubble with the relevant snack/candy = coming soon on October 3rd)
  • Mouth stick+skin: Plethora - Mochi Dango - Bunny {by plethorasl} @ CANDY FAIR (Touch to switch between two colour schemes/textures/Comes with Pink Fuel "Dango" promo skin courtesy of Mochi Milena = coming soon on October 3rd)
  • Poses: { Just A Pose } Co Ca Co Ca Gob {by Born Again Noob (glamouramama.boa)} (closed store)/{.:exposeur:.} Centerfold 3 {by RubyStarlight Writer}
# Mili # 845 - Craving # Mili # 845 - Craving

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