setembro 2013 - Inventory Mess

# Mili # 173

Analog Dog 17:31
Hair: .b - fix - dark blondes (by Queue Marlowe) Jeans: [:ME:] Megumi (Breeze) Mesh Skinny Jeans (by Ydreece Forster) Top: [NV] Inve Top -Pooped-(by isiss Bade) VIP GROUP GIFT Upper bikini: *Linc* Ibiza Bikini Black (by CK Winx) ...

# Mili # 172

Boon 10:23
Tank: Emery - Tank Sid & nancy (by sunami beck) OLD Gloves: *Linc* Finger Tapes (by CK Winx) OLD DOLLARBIE Pants: *chronokit*  Fabre Pants 01 CamouflageA PKG (by kit Pizzicato) Jacket: ::{u.f.o}::urban zakapa jacket - black (by charming meiler) COLLABOR88 Hair: booN KCP393 hair black (by boo Nakamura) Cigarette: Cigarette-Napalm  {Gentleman} (by Raph Dirval) Bracelets: Izzie's - Belt Bracelet (by Izzie Button) THE LIAISON COLLABORATIVE Necklace: MG - Necklace - LOVE ROCKER - SILVER (by Maxi Gossamer) Boots: [Gos] Triumph Boots...

# Mili # 171

Autumn Effect 14:11
Hair: ISON - viviana (phoenix) (by Harry Hyx) old gift Outfit: [ SAKIDE ] Harvest Outfit for TAE Hunt (by kinu mayako) ...

# Mili # Special Edition

50L Fridays 22:02
Yay, I have Lolas! Decidi parar de remar contra a maré, e finalmente comprar as famosas Lolas. Aproveitei o lançamento da nova versão, a Mirage, e mandei ver. Assim, consigo atualizar e mostrar os itens que vem com os appliers :) Hoje tem muita promo, muita sexta-feira, muitas comprinhas \o/ Eyeshadow: Pink Acid Mi Amor Deep Eye Makeup 3 Pack (by Stasey Oller) FI*FRIDAYS Top: Chandelle...

# Mili # 170

avatar 16:04
New Me Quem me conhece bem sabe que, assim como na RL, eu sou apaixonada por tattoos. E já que no SL a gente pode usar e abusar, trocar quando quiser, passei pelo Mens Department e acrescentei mais uma pra minha coleção :) Lingerie: Mon cheri (formerly TGIS) - CH - Pink Floral Undies (by freya olivieri) (don't know if still available) Upper...

# Mili # 169

Argrace 12:58
Hair w/Straw Hat: *ARGRACE* Straw Fedora/Chloe - Dark BlondesMESH (by rika Oyen) Shoes: *FIR & MNA* The Delaney Shoes Brown (by rob1977 moonites) Sweater: [celoe.jet.sweater.tea]  (by jadenart) Pants: [NV] Brooklyn Pants -Tartan Yellow- (by isiss Bade) VIP GROUP GIFT ...

# Mili # 168

60L Weekends 21:35
Lipstick: [PF] Harley Lipstick <Peach> - Cherry  PART OF SKIN FATPACK (by mochi milena) Eyeliner: .Birdy. {Liner} 9 (by nina helix) VIP GROUP GIFT Hair: -LaViere- Misa/PaleBlonde (by azure electricteeth) Necklace: ..:: Bens Beauty ::.. King & Queen Crown (short chain)L.Diamond (by Snow Martiel) Bracelet: .:Hermony:. - Wristlocker (by Hermanni Laville) Sneakers: Pink Acid Sneaker Wedges - Black - Silver & Gold (by Stasey Oller) Outfit: [LG] K Collection Shut up and...


Acorn Hunt 20:06
Ficarei um pouco afastada do blog até que meu problema com internet se resolva. Até breve folks ;) Hair: Analog dog ~AD - mono -  Dress: ~Sassy!~ Bohemian dress - Old Europe Acorn Hunt Feet: [Gos] Boutique - Barefeet - Arched Necklace: Maxi Gossamer ~MG - Necklace - 92 Summer Of Love Peace Sign Ficarei um pouco afastada do blog até que meu problema com...

# Mili # 167

avatar 17:53
A clássica foto na sim Mayfair. Pena que diferente das demais, eu não sei ser glamourosa :P Top: B.C.C Breakfast At Tiffany's knit Ivory (by vitamingirl) THE SEASONS STORY Hair: fri. - Marie - Blonds (by Parvarti Monday) Shoes: N-core COQUETTE "Fatpack 24 Colors" (by claire messenger) Pants: [celoe.xui.trousers.shark] (by ShaySibrian) ...

# Mili # 166

avatar 14:21
Dress: Baiastice_Claudette dress-aqua (by Sissy Pessoa) Hair: Clawtooth: Angeles (Captivating Brunettes Pack) (by Bubbles Clawtooth) Sandals: Maitreya Gold - Esprit Brown (by Onyx LeShelle) ...

# Mili # 165

Action 21:06
Skirt: ...::: Scrub :::... 8 Buckles Skirt Black (by ramon Jonstone) Hair: Action Hair Junkys Gift Sep-Dec 2013 (by marilynmonroe munro) GROUP GIFT Top: M.I.A.- Rock Music Top - (by MissAniita) FREE GIFT Cosmopolitan Sale Room Boots: *CK* Strapped overknee heels (by Kaci Kohime) ...

#Lex# 150

1 Hundred. 16:01
Hair:Hair:.ploom. Camille @ My Attic  Shirt: 1 Hundred. AAA Fair Acorn Hunt Gift! ~ Acorn Hunt @ Old Europe Pants: [Cynful] + lil'lace - Bell Bottom Trashed [TDRF] @ TDR Fusion Earrings and Necklace: Maxi Gossamer MG - Necklace - Love Bullet Lipstick: TBCF- Gifts- Sally's Lips Collection old gift ( I don´t know if still avaiable) Shoes: (Kunglers) TDRF #022 - Ankle boots - black @ TDR Fusion Tattoo:Sky MESH Shooting Star Tummy Tattoo...

# Mili # 164

avatar 15:47
Boots: *CK* Strapped overknee heels (by Kaci Kohime) Blouse: tram -gathered shoulder blouse(MESH)[black] (by moca loup) The Seasons Story Hair: TRUTH HAIR Mina -  black & whites (by Truth Hawks) Skirt: ~Shabby Cat - Damaged Denim Skirt w/belt~ (by Sophia Foulsbane) Location: Bitacora Land ...

# Mili # 163

Action 23:37
LOTD Jeans: ::B::U::B:: Jeans (by dubraska constantine) NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE Sweater: *COCO*_CroppedSweater&Shirt(Black)_ (by cocoro Lemon) Hair: Action Mesh Hair Sharon Thrashed (by marilynmonroe munro) Shoes: JD - Catty S - Black (by davidefre) The Seasons Story ...

# Mili # 162

avatar 13:58
Hair: >TRUTH< Siri - espresso (by Truth Hawks) Complete outfit: [BBD] Oreo Cherry Cheesecake Cupcake (by telle trezuguet) I LOVE CUPCAKE HUNT 2 ...


Acorn Hunt 12:55
Olá gente! O tempo tem sido meu inimigo atualmente e ele está de mãos dadas com minha internet,mas mesmo assim, eu vou tentando fazer alguns posts para colocar por aqui. Boa semana para todos> Have a nice week! Hair:.ploom. Camille @ My Attic (by Helyanwe Vindaloo) Shoes: (Kunglers) TDRF #022 - Ankle boots @ TDR Fusion (by Ava Kungler) Necklace and Earrings: MG - Necklace - Baroque Peacock Flower (by Maxi...

# Mili # 161

avatar 22:51
Group Gifts Hair: >TRUTH< Havana w/Roots - champagne (by Truth Hawks) Dress: ~CandyMetal~ Tunic Dress Gift (by Emychan Aichi) - texture change hud - FREE GROUP GIFT Hair: -LaViere- Gisele Loose Bangs/FadedOmbre (by azure electricteeth) Jumpsuit: [F F] MESH - Jumpsuit Ema (by dissoni) FREE GROUP GIFT Dress: *Kw* Moroccan Gandora (by shica secretspy) FREE GROUP GIFT Hair: .:EMO-tions:. * MYSTERY*/darkbrown (by Mirja Mills) 2 in...


Glo-mart 21:23
Outfit:This Isn't Part Of The Store Autumn Effect Hunt GLO-MART ...

# Mili # Special Edition

ABPO Hunt 19:22
Acaba hoje a caçada de aniversário da loja American Bazaar. Corre lá e garante itens show! # Mili # Special Edition, a photo by Inventory Mess Blog on Flickr. Lipstick: Pink Acid Donut Glazed Lip Gloss - Pinky (by Stasey Oller) ABPO3 HUNT Necklace: *MC* Vintage Necklace - AB Power of 3 (by freya olivieri) ABPO3 HUNT Bracelet: *MUKA* Bracelet ABPO3 Steel (by muka release) ABPO3 HUNT Shoes: N-core COQUETTE "Fatpack 24...

# Mili # 160

avatar 14:07
         Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Akiko Mesh Hair - Rye (by MissAllSunday Lemon) THE SEASONS STORY Dress: the second star -**i<3cupcakes GIFT (by Mara OHanlon) I LOVE CUPCAKES HUNT 2 Panties: [Sassy Kitty Designs] (now Sakide) Slide Panties White (by kinu mayako) Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Akiko Mesh Hair - Rye (by MissAllSunday Lemon) THE SEASONS STORY Sweater: ::Ego - Cupcake Top Sweater :: (by karol.zahm) I LOVE CUPCAKES HUNT 2 Feet: [Gos] Barefoot...

# Mili # 159

avatar 13:25
Le Bistro Todos sabem que quando se tem uma idade avançada no SL, as pessoas geralmente param de procurar e/ou perdem bastante o interesse por visitar sims. Eu não sou exceção. Mas o fato é que achei um pedacinho de céu. Hoje. Dentro do SL. E se tirei muitas fotos, é porque realmente gostei. O nome da land é Le Bistro, onde há...

# Mili # 158

avatar 21:53
Pants: Ibizarre Soft Black Leather Pants (by Anyusha Lilienthal) don't know if still available Boots: ::HH:: Hucci Las Vegas Boots - TealExotic (by Eboni Khan) SUBSCRIBE GIFT Sweater: erratic / cory - oversized sweater / plain black (by Erratic Rain) Hair: Magika [Hair] Capture (by Sabina Gully) ...


Autumn Effect 21:22
Hair: >TRUTH< Devina  Hoodie::FY: Fall Hoodie Autumn Effect Hunt Autumn Effect Hunt Boots: Barely Legal Couture - AEH-Seasons Change Autumn Effect Hunt Pants: Bliss Couture Closing Hunt (Knit Legging - Black) Hair: >TRUTH< Devina  Hoodie::FY: Fall Hoodie Autumn Effect Hunt Autumn Effect Hunt Boots: Barely Legal Couture - AEH-Seasons Change Autumn Effect Hunt Pants: Bliss Couture Closing Hunt (Knit Legging - Black) ...

# Mili # 157

Autumn Effect 12:47
Hair: .:EMO-tions:. * COSMIC*/darkbrown (by Mirja Mills) Boots: N-core EUPHORIA "Fatpack" (by Nuria Augapfel) Dress: [Cynful] Sassy Dress (by Cynthia Ultsch) Autumn Effect Hunt Skin: *League* Aria Bronze -Special Edition - (by Nena Janus) ...


Belleza 15:54
Hair: Exile::Just a Reason: 5. Dark Reds @ The Arcade Gacha Events Outfit: F'n'Hawt Coffee The-autumn-effect-2-0 hunt Lipstick: Pink Acid Sweet Lip Gloss - 4 Pack Piercings: Cute Poison The-autumn-effect-2-0 hunt Eyeliners: -Belleza- Old FLF Neon Eyeliners ...

# Mili # Special Edition

AMD 14:46
AMD Special Price Não sei até quando vai ficar, então corre lá e pega logo essa barbada :) Hair: [LeLutka]-KNOTTED hair/Dark Blonde (by Thora Charron) Gown: Apple May Designs - Echo Gown - Sea Foam (by Apple May) 25L ONLY THIS COLOUR ...

# Mili # 156

avatar 14:39
Lipstick: [mock] Machine Envy Lip Jelle (1) (by Mocksoup Graves) old group gift Eyeshadow: Mock Cosmetics: We are the Dark Parfait Extra Evil People (by Mocksoup Graves) old group gift Hair: .ploom. Plume (small) - Indecisive (by Helyanwe Vindaloo) The Liaison Collaborative Skirt: DRIFT Poofy Skirt [MESH] -Onyx Sequin (by Kallisto Destiny) The Dressing Room Fusion Top: Ricielli Mesh - Mini Top /ethnic (by Fhara Acacia) old hunt...