# Lex # 5155


# Lex # 5155

Hair:Wasabi // Marina FLF Ed. Hair - Absolute Pack by MissAllSunday Lemon + Rouge Darcy

Bucked: MOoH! Rainbow bucket hat by Dalriada Delwood Camping for a cure Pride event June 1 - 9. The proceeds of this event are going to Relay for Life Pride.

Head: [AK Evox] - Soo-Jin Head (Anniversary Gift) 

♥Skin: Voguel - Yoon Skin SUNKISS (EVOX)

Eyes: IKON Spectral Eyes - Leonine 

♥Body: eBODY - REBORN - by eBODY

♥Tattoo: Fewness - Your Sign - Cancer by Fewn Daddy

♥Tattoo: Puddles. Zodiac Tattoos by Veronica Cuddles

♥Veins: Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button

Top: MOoH! Rainbow top by Dalriada Delwood  Camping for a cure Pride event June 1 - 9. The proceeds of this event are going to Relay for Life Pride.

♥Pose: STUN - Pose Pack Collection Bento 'Arrietty' #231

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